
Friday, December 23, 2011

Preparedness Overview Presentation

Preparedness Overview:
I am not an expert in this field , merely an individual attempting to be prepared . My opinion of what is to come and how you prepare and deal with what I’ll refer to as a “storm” is no more valid than yours. Today there are many references to preppers, being a prepper, and how and what to prepare as well as many web/book sources for everything you need to know about preparedness and sources for everything you need to buy.
Prior generations were all preppers, they just didn’t think of it as some special category. They had to be responsible for their own existence. Uncle Sugar was not going to manage or provide their existence.
My effort tonight is to convey MY perspective, how I approach my responsibilities. If you can benefit, great, take any pieces, but pilot your own ship. I have been guilty of taking many things for granted. As I looked at dealing with a crisis of “less” or a severe “storm“, I began to recognize the frivolous and essential items. At least to me.
In this process I may present more questions than answers!
Avoid marketed hysteria, there is an abundance. Sorting out the clarion calls for “do it now, now, now and this, this , this” from the real basics is up to each of us. Each promoter knows how bad things will get and what you need to have and to do, trust them---I suggest NOT.
Good judgment is necessary.
What is your quest? In regard to preparing? How about survival, just that simple. So the goal is surviving--physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Just as simple as the goal of survival are the well aged mottos of those very radical organizations- the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts-” BE PREPARED”
Survive what?? That is a perplexing, debatable and ongoing question.
Question? If you are not prepared to weather a storm (3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 1 year) how can you be of any assistance to your friends of neighbors. Self- reliance and personal responsibility should position you to be stable and able to lend a hand.
BE a provider rather than a receiver. To me that is the essence of being prepared.
1. The 4 W’s. What, Where, When and Why: These about the storm event.
A) What- What is it that has happened and what aspect of our daily existence will be affected. 1. Is it an economic calamity that rocks our world--hyper-inflation/dollar collapse/market drop 2. Weather, geologic, solar? Severe extreme weather, (insert ice storm here) earthquakes, volcanoes, solar flares??? Is it really global warming? Or is it global cooling? 3. Ideological? Clashes between ideologies that result in confrontation.
Each “what” may require different reactions, but the basics may be the same for all!
B) Where- In a large unconnected world events at a distance had few effects. In today’s highly connected and interdependent world events at a distance can have local effects immediately or in due time. Middle east conflict can drive oil prices/availability; weather on the far side of our rock can cause food shortages; nuclear events/volcanoes can create far reaching toxicity/weather modifications. Fukishima effects are as of yet unknown.
If the event is right in our neighborhood the impacts will be immediate and obvious.
C) When- Oh probably when you least expect it. Hind sight is 20/20. Who in their right mind didn’t see that one coming?? Forecasting is difficult. In investing the concept is market timing (the age old buy low sell high). In most all other things it is, too often, I coulda, woulda, shoulda. The best time to prepare for any event is the day before it occurs. Think in terms of having an insurance policy.
I have and continue to think that events are coming soon. If I prepare as if they are, then my only failing is to be prepared early.
Jokingly, someone commented that “if you grab your gun and run out in the street ready for the revolution and you look up and down the street realizing you are all alone, you are too early, go back inside!
D) Why- Why an event occurs will be beyond our individual control. Having even an inkling as to “why” will allow reasoned thought to project and anticipate current and pending implications. Awareness may help. Having personal connections with others who stay abreast of varied activities may help.
An effort to be aware is why I try to stay informed on a variety of topics.
Regardless of the why, let us pretend an event or compounded events lay at your doorstep or soon will. After the fact, lamenting and pondering the “why” probably steals precious time from the “do”. Beyond trying to understand extenuating circumstances, “get on with it”.
Observing and understanding the what/where/when/ and why will help formulate our plans for coping. OODA-Observe, orient, decide, act. A constantly repeating loop.

2. The Fundamentals to be preserved/prepared/practiced : The Foundation
Principles, values, faith, reason, attitude , humor
Absent a foundation of all or some combination of these, I submit the house of your existence will crumble. Know yourself through faith, reason, or confidence -- whichever allows you to be comfortable in your own skin. I project that in a crisis many people will “lock-up” , deer in the headlights look, turn to despair, and whine and complain about their plight. Others will await for resolution of their problems by “gummint”.
The fundamental preparation is to develop and strengthen character.
3. Elemental: I could ask everyone here how well they are prepared, what they have on hand and what their plans are. I won’t ask and I don’t want you to tell me. That would be bad operational security.
OPSEC--a little military lingo
Guard your capabilities, only sharing with friends you trust completely. I can tell you that yes, I have one silver and one gold coin, I’ve got my 22 rifle varmit rifle and I’ve got some extra beans for when my feeble brain forgets to go to the store to get supper. That is my preparedness!! Wink wink nod nod.
The 4 G’s--Guns, grub, gold, god
4 B’s--Bullets, beans, bullion, bible
Two quick references to the metals and the dollar:
$20 dollar gold piece in 1910- [would buy a fine rifle, a fancy suit, or a live steer. In 2011, worth $1700 of current dollars, will still buy a fine rifle, fancy suit, or a live steer. ed.]
90% silver quarter from 1960’s- [would buy a gallon of gasoline. In 2011 will buy a gallon of gasoline plus $2 current dollars change. ed.]
Let’s look at:
Water and food
Shelter and comfort
General resources
a. Water and food: Water is the first priority. Have some reserves, know of sources, and have several methods of purification. If power is lost and you want water from your well, what is the level of water standing in your well pipe? Could you siphon or hand pump water from your drilled well? You now have water!
Then food (My 72 hr fast). May not be gourmet, but should be caloric and provide essential nutrition.
Consider that the faucet doesn’t work and the supermarket is barren. Or, what would you want if a severe outbreak of contagious disease occurred say in Boston. Do you think people would attempt to slide out of Beantown and make for their camp in Maine? Leaving quickly, getting north before quarantine and stopping at supermarkets enroute for provisions. Might be a time to not rub elbows with sick shoppers that showed no signs of illness.
Mormons as a condition of their faith strive to first complete a years worth of pantry/larder food reserves. Rotating inventory while using for current needs and replacing the inventory. Once accomplished and stabilized, their next desired goal is to have on hand a second years food stuffs--this for charity.
Have a pantry, have some reserves, have a garden. Consider that your freezer may not be usable for very long. What will you do then?
Charity to others: You can spare a can of beans because you have two. OPSEC again. Keep private the extent of your stores.
b. Shelter and comfort: Your current home is your castle. How flexible and resilient is it? What will you do for emergency, temporary, alternate extended protection from the elements and temperature? Do you have provisions and alternate provisions for heat, cooking and light?
c. Defense: Note it is not offense, its defense. Survival necessitates still being here. In trying times others may see fit take whatever they want. In an extreme event law enforcement may not be handy. Our second amendment affords us the right to keep and bear arms, let us not allow that right to wither. Fire arms are a lengthy discussion of type ,virtue, caliber, application. I choose to be armed, you choose for your self. Choosing not to decide is still a choice.
I am encouraged by the surge in gun purchases and pursuit of concealed carry permits. However, as a caution, owning a gun is very different than being mentally and physically proficient in the weapon’s use.
d. Medical: The best and cheapest first aid is slow down, act and move with mindful deliberation---don’t get hurt!
Consider that there is no 911, no ambulance, no ER, no doctor. Have a reasonable first aid capability. Know your basics and have a friend who has more expertise. Offset their proficiency by providing yours in some other area..
Rather than a lengthy ability discussion, just a few questions:
Could you stitch up a gash?
Do you have analytical tools-temp/blood pressure/pulse/tongue depressors?
Do you have First aid knowledge to deal with heat exhaustion/hypothermia?
Do you know any herbal remedies that will replace the pharma cures.
Did you know that you can use sugar as a poultice to clean an open wound?

e. Communication: COM
Works two ways. First, it is very beneficial if you have radio to receive information. The grid might be down, so, alternative power is a good idea. AM/FM/short wave/marine radio/CB/amateur radio---all of these just for listening. Then, move into being able to talk back--transceiver. Mobile/base/handheld. Little walkie talkies**** talk on all of these and anyone might be listening.
COMSEC Communication security can be just as important as OPSEC.
f. General Resources What’s this? All of those sundry things you need to clean, repair, do any form of sustaining work. A very long list of everything from string, rope, nails, tape, tools, to matches.
Some simple things often overlooked: a spare broom, extra gloves, clothespins, large safety pins, extra manual can opener, and on and on.
***Remember, this information if nothing else is intended to urge you to consider your current capabilities and think about alternative approaches. RESOURCEFULNESS
4. YOYO (+) Sooooo something has happened? You are on your own. Regardless of the event, you (I) begin coping as the smallest of units. YOYO! You probably includes your immediate family and loved ones. It can be for an hour or 3 hours or 1 day or 1 week or more.
If you are prepared, you have provisions, extras and a plan. A Plan is just a contingency. This plan can include anything and everything from contacting family members, securing your safety and resources to relocating . Why not plan a,b,c,d,e….. If not a then b, then c .
I have heard many times-“I only need plan A, I’m not leaving my home“. That’s ok as long as the potential consequences are understood. Oops a fire levels your house and its contents, now what was that plan B?
All of this is planning not acting. Its head preparation at the least.
The (+) Beyond YOYO. If your simplest, basic unit has any preparedness, you are positioned to help others less prepared. If you are destitute there is little you can do to assist.
Connecting beyond your basic unit, depending on COM will be your neighbors then further, then further. This re-establishment of connectedness restores the sense of community beyond isolation. Communication will facilitate a re-establishment of community.
5. Research and reference: Books:
“Patriots” + “Survivors” : James Wesley Rawles
“One second after” :
“Lights out” :
Sites: : list of lists, lots of archived info, article source, prep : article source, prep : article source, prep

6. Topics for further discussion: What political/economic events are headed our way.
Gold and silver vs. FRN’s [Federal Reserve Notes. ed.]
Currency collapse or hyper-inflation
Ideological conflict already underway --Constitutional Republic vs. democracy/communism/communitarianism
The other conflict-- capitalism vs. socialism/fascism
Middle East war--gone global
Resources--physical material to have on hand
Firearms and other weapons
Survival tools, gear
Communication gear
Alternative energy capability
Food- growing/processing/preserving/reproducing
Testosterone burn rate--say what?
EMP electro-magnetic pulse
7. Wrap up: Each of us is different in many ways so our goals may be similar but our circumstances, paths and needs may vary dramatically.
Insurance is hard if not impossible to acquire after the storm. In whatever form develop some insurance now.
If you have done nothing----do something. Begin with the simplest necessities.
If you have begun--there is no such thing as “all done-all set” --- refine, remember (what you have), and fill in the gaps.
Consider that 2 is one----1 is none.
If major events occur---shift to “conservation” mode early to extend your preparations. Better to relax your conservation circumstance if the event is not lengthy rather than to use up reserves too quickly.
Be prepared---so you can be a provider not a needy receiver.
From the Aesop’s Fable “The ant and the grasshopper” ----Be an ant!

Tom Crandall