The Tea Party began as a good idea, which evolved into a popular uprising, in the summer of 2009 a few months after the inauguration of Barack H. Obama and the Democrat administration. It is comprised of people who adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America as the overriding structure of the Federal government and as the most basic Law of the Land. It is in revulsion to the runaway Executive branch, the (then new) thieving Congress raping the public fisc for enormous sums to feed to their favorite constituencies, and to the ramming down our throats of a medical program (often referred to as Obamacare) which is not wanted by most Americans, is not needed to fix anything about our current system of the best medical care in the world, and establishes an enormous costly bureaucracy to run it.
The Tea Party put a crowd of 1.2 million people on the Mall in Washington DC on September 12, 2009. Not "tens of thousands" as reported in the Democrat-controlled and shamelessly partisan press - there is a face-counting program which when applied to the pictures, came up with that figure. The President failed to attend.
The Tea Party surge continued in 2010, culminating in the stunning election of that year; Republican candidates won a sweeping majority in the House of Representatives (63 seats), 8 Senate seats although not achieving a majority, 5 governorships, and 680 state legislative seats nationwide.
This is an amazing accomplishment in this short of a time - a year and a half. We must view it as a good start though, because the presidential election of 2012 is the one that counts more - also, more Democrat and RINO senators are up for re-election in 2012.
I am going to publish some of the addresses I wrote to deliver to our local Tea Party meetings, and I am going to talk about what the Tea Party is all about, how we are maligned in the malicious Democrat-controlled so-called "mainstream media", and how to counter this kind of lying.
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